Abdülmelik Sasha: Islam Chose Me

Abdülmelik Sasha was raised in a Catholic Christian family. He didn’t know much about Islam and Muslims, except for what the media portrayed – often negatively. Does not every human being have the innate need to believe and be a servant? Here is the story of Abdülmelik, a person in search, whose journey led him to Islam.
“Allah chooses to guide to Himself whoever turns to Him.” (Quran 42:13)
Formerly known as Sasha Brok, now named Abdülmelik after embracing Islam, a person whose heart is filled with the light of faith.
“I knew Islam as much as the media told me, and Islam is not shown as something good in Germany. For example, the bad events in countries like Pakistan were associated with Islam, creating a negative perception about Islam in society.”
However, Abdülmelik did not think Islam was a bad religion, thanks to his Turkish friends, who he describes as very respectful and friendly. This also serves as a reminder of our responsibility to represent Islam positively.
A Spark Ignited in My Heart
Abdülmelik Sasha narrates his journey towards Islam:
“Islam came to me, chose me, and honored me. Thanks be to Allah. The event that gave me life happened like this: One of my roommates caught my attention with his strong personality. When I started talking to him, I learned that he was a German-born Muslim. He told me that he met a sheikh, spoke to him, and thus became a Muslim. A spark ignited in my heart.”
Thus, Abdülmelik’s interest in Islam grew through this friend.
Abdülmelik Sasha: Islam Was Inviting Me
When he asked about what dhikr (remembrance of Allah) was, his friend explained it was a way of thinking about Allah. This practice comforted Abdülmelik’s heart.
I asked him what dhikr was and he told me that it was a way of thinking about Allah.
This dhikr was a relief to my heart. I started doing dhikr with him, even in congregation.
There was still a void in the life of Abdul Malik, whose life was changing day by day. Here is the book that filled that void.
I had problems and I was looking for a solution to my problems and I came across a book on Islam. Someone told me to open this book, hold your finger somewhere, the answer is written there. I did so, and there it was written that every human being needs a spiritual leader. It was as if Islam was inviting me but I was not accepting it. I had to do something.
My Breath Taken Away, I Couldn’t Speak…
Having met a friend who had been a means of guidance for many Europeans, Abdülmelik’s path would intersect with a beloved friend of Allah one day.
When he learned that his sheikh and his students would gather in London, Abdülmelik expressed his desire to become a Muslim and attend with his friend.
“We went to a place that used to be a church and was now used as a mosque. It was very crowded. Our sheikh came there. This man was talking about Islam and saying the truth. They took me to him. When I went to him, my breath was taken away, and I couldn’t speak. I became his student there and said the Shahada. The experiences I had there were very emotional and indescribable.”
Having no salvation other than Islam, Abdülmelik realized that life had a meaning after becoming a Muslim.
“It was as if I were born again. My life changed completely. I learned what Allah and the created world meant. Allah meant everything. We came from Him, and we will return to Him. We will not be captivated by the world’s desires. I had met the eternal truth and honored it.”
Thus, Abdul Malik began to walk on the path of guidance by the will of Allah Almighty.