German Convert Finds Peace in Senegal
Since the age of reason, we question the purpose of our existence in this world. Countless answers have been put forth to this fundamental question that has become central to human existence. Some have aimed to live a virtuous life, like Plato. Others have prioritized pleasure, as Aristippus did. Some have chosen servitude and worship, like the righteous. In Björn Pachurka’s story today, we witness the journey of a man who travels the world in search of happiness and finds Islam.
This heartwarming story began with Pachurka being deeply moved by the life of Malcolm X, prompting him to embark on extensive research. This research led him to take a long journey that took him away from his homeland.
What Was His Lifestyle Like in Germany?
Firstly, we cannot say that Björn Pachurka had a distant relationship with religion, as he grew up in a Christian family. Before he encountered Islam, he had a period of deep interest in hip-hop music and subsequently researched the human rights struggle of African Americans, also known as Afro-Americans.
After embracing Islam and taking the name Hadim Ndiguel, Björn Pachurka’s quest for happiness unfolded as he explored the world 20 years ago. First settling in Egypt, Hadim continued his quest for happiness in some sub-Saharan African countries, including Zambia, Malawi, and finally, Senegal. At the age of 43, he claims to have found the peace and happiness he sought in Senegal, leaving behind his materialistic and comfortable former life to embrace Islam in the West African country.
Journey to Islam During the African Expedition
Hadim’s story of embracing Islam began about 20 years ago when he met Muslim brothers in Senegal. During his journey in Senegal, he became interested in the Sufi tradition known as Muridiyya. He was particularly impressed by the lifestyle of the founder of this brotherhood, Sheikh Amadou Bamba, especially his peaceful teachings.
After this beautiful and adventurous journey that gave him life, Hadim, who married a Senegalese woman, is the father of eight children. Describing his life in Senegal, he says: