NewsConvert StoriesScotland

It All Started with Hearing the Call to Prayer

Rooney’s Story

Who can keep someone genuinely seeking their Lord from reaching Him?

We’d like to share a fascinating journey of conversion. This is the story of a Scottish man who embarked on a process of questioning after hearing the call to prayer on his first holiday in Turkey. During this 18-month exploration, he discovered Islam without ever meeting a Muslim.

In an article by The Independent, Alan Rooney says:

The Qur’an genuinely surprised me. It’s quite a daunting book to read because it tells you a lot about yourself. I found some things about myself I didn’t like. So, I decided to make some changes.

According to Rooney, his truth-seeking began after he heard the call to prayer during his holiday in Turkey.


It stirred something within me.

Rooney describes the call to prayer he heard as follows;

It stirred something within me and inspired me to start a spiritual inquiry.

Upon returning to his home in Inverness, he brought a copy of the Quran with him and began reading it.

I would always pray to God to guide me on this journey I’ve undertaken..

He turned to online resources to learn more about Islam and its teachings without meeting any Muslims, reading stories of those who had walked a similar path.

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He turned to online resources to learn more about Islam and its teachings without meeting any Muslims, reading stories of those who had walked a similar path.

“I pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, and eat and drink in accordance with halal and haram in Islam.”

Now, he introduces himself to the Muslim community by attending a local mosque.

“They were surprised when they saw me, and besides welcoming me into the community, they didn’t know exactly what to do with me. Initially, I was accepted, but now I am always part of the congregation.”

Scotland hosts over 50,000 Muslims, making up less than one percent of its population. Other estimates suggest this number may reach 90,000.

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